Monday, March 5, 2012

Dinosaurs and Oatmeal

I am going to let you in on a little secret, I get bored playing with my son's toys. I know that is shocking but fire trucks and Thomas can only keep me engaged for so long. I think that my little man feels that way too sometimes. Little man just turned two and is learning and exploring his world more than ever. 

I was on a mission to find activities that would keep his attention and keep me engaged and involved with play time.  It was getting way to easy for me to zone out and not engage as much now that he is able to have more self directed play and I did not want to lose that interaction completely. 

In comes the sensory box, and boy are they fun! I love a good theme and sensory boxes are all about the theme! What is a sensory box, you ask?

A sensory box is a container filled with any kind of tactile material that kids explore with their hands. With a sensory box, children are using their sight, touch, and smell to experience their environment in a totally new way. 

For our first box I used rolled oats and wheat puffs as the base, then added a $2 pack of dinosaurs and some old measuring spoons for digging. I set this up in the middle of our living room on a big sheet. This project took me 10 minutes to put together and $5 in materials that I will be able to reuse in different boxes.We spent the better half of an afternoon playing with the box and he absolutely LOVED it. 

All of our materials

An old plastic container as the box

Here it is all put together

Little man LOVED the box and only made a little mess. I did not mach his shirt to the box on purpose, although I do love a complete theme!

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