Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Homemade Instant Oatmeal Packets

Instant Oatmeal is very simple to make at home. It takes 5 ingredients and about 20 minutes. 

Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal
List of Ingredients (for each bag)

1/4 Cup of Quick Oats 
1 Tbsp Ground Quick Oats
1/2 tsp Sugar 
Pinch of salt
1/4 tsp Cinnamon
Handful of Raisins

 With the first four ingredients you can mix and match any dried fruit flavor combo you would like.

I listed ground oats as one of the ingredients above and that is the big trick to getting your homemade version to feel like the store bought kind. I put 1.5 cups of oats in my blender and mix them on low until they look like bread crumbs. 

You can add as much or as little of this mix to your bags as you want. I like 1Tbsp but if you want it to be thinner then go with less. 

20 bags (that is only 1/2 a box of oats)
I know the pictures is not that appealing but most oatmeal does not look all that great so no judging until you try it! I truly think that the homemade stuff tastes better but it is less sweet, if you need to have it sweeter then add a little more sugar or put some honey in it after you warm it up. I make mine with 1/2 a cup of milk.

Now for some stats 

Store bought Instant Oatmeal has around 31 ingredients

Homemade has 5 

The cost per packet for store bought is $0.30 per packet

Assuming you have sugar and salt and do not need to buy them
 homemade costs $0.15 per packet


Kathleen said...

I LOVE your blog! Such a wide resource of information, and all things I am interested in. I will definitely be trying this recipe out and look forward to reading more!

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