Thursday, January 30, 2014

Seed Catalogs

I love Seed catalogs! They began arriving right as the garden season for the year in wrapping up. I put all the catalogs to the side and then, when the cold of December gets to Ohio, I pull out the jems and start dreaming of next year. I try to support small Heirloom seed companies; they also seem to have the best catalogs. My favorite ones are 

Jung Seeds and Plants (This is company is not all organic however does have special verities of perennials that are valuable)
Dixondale Farm (Onions only)
Mountain Rose Herbs (Herbs only)

All of these companies have free seed catalogs, just sign up online.  Click the link above which should take you to the correct place to sign up. I buy the big catalog from Baker Creek because it has fantastic pictures and great articles.

The first time I look through each catalog, I circle all of the seeds I am interested in plating for the next year. Then I sit down with all of the books and cross reference prices and volumes. Some seeds I buy in bulk and others I get the standard small packet just to try them out.  I order 90% of my seeds from Baker Creek and High Mowing however sometimes I find something to try in one of the other catalogs. Do you order seeds each year, save seeds, or buy from a local store? 

I am in zone 6 and it is time to stop dreaming and start planning.  I am very excited to begin the planting and growing process for the new year.  I hope you join me in my love of the garden.


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