Monday, May 23, 2011

My Broccoli Flowered

My broccoli flowered! Well, the big one did. I'm very sad. So now I will put it on my dining room table, at least then it can be pretty for awhile.
I did some research, and I think that we had two days in the 80s and it needed to be picked before it got that hot. I have two more plants that still look okay, so I will be paying very close attention to them over the next week. The broccoli heads are very small though… how big does your broccoli get?


Anonymous said...

My broccoli hasn't done very well. The turnip greens fluffed out so much that the broccoli got little sun, and the hot days made it wilt. It might finally grow stalks with all the rains coming this week, I just hope I can pick it before the flowers open up like the one in your picture!

Woodhaven Place Homestead and Garden said...

I was so sad. I am watching the other two very closely but they are so small, enough for one bite each lol.

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