Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Homemade Natural Cleaning Products

I started researching and trying natural cleaning products when I became pregnant.  I was told by my doctor not to use a lot of the cleaning products that I used everyday because the chemicals in them could be harmful to the baby. Well I'm glad my doctor was worried about my baby, but what about me and my husband? We have been breathing in that stuff for years, what is it doing to us? Also if you have to put on a haz-mat suit with gloves up to your elbows, then immediately wash your hands if any of the cleaning goo touches you, one might want to ponder what is in said bottle.

I must confess there is another reason for my green cleaning ways, I’m cheap. Yes I said it, I’m just being honest here. Making your own cleaning products is tremendously cheaper than buying them. I mean A LOT cheaper.

The first one I am going to talk about is the tub and tile cleaner. It worked very very well. I am embarrassed to say how dirty my tub was... and it cleaned all the mildew and soap build up without a problem. It did take some work but im happy to say that my tub is now a new color! I ended up cleaning it twice because the cleaning stuff started to dry before I was done but if you are not dealing with a crazy dirty tub it should not take as long. Below is what I used. I mixed up everything in a plastic container and used a sponge to scrub with. I make one recipe of the stuff and use it all to clean the tub, so no left overs to store!

Tub and Tile Cleaner

3/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup powdered milk
1/8 cup liquid castle soap (this will be the most expensive thing you will buy, but it is used in a lot of the cleaning recipes and a little goes along way. I bought mine at Kroger in the organic section. I use the non-scented one because I wanted to be able to use essential oils. Target also sells it.)
5 drops lavender essential oil (I bought this at a health foods store, this step is optional if you do not want to invest in the oil, but it does smell nice)

 - Recipe from "The Naturally Clean Home"

Combine all ingredients in a container and add enough water to make a paste. It did not take much water so go slow.

Then just put some on your sponge and start scrubbing! After you scrub the tub rinse the residue off and admire your thriftiness!

This has a great smell and makes your hands soft!


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