Sunday, January 8, 2012

Exciting News

Well, it's 50 degrees outside. By the way, I live in OHIO! That is just crazy, I actually saw a tree budding today… boy, is he confused! 

I have some exciting news to share! My hubby and I are looking for homesteading property!  We looked at our first round of houses today. Most of them were no-goes for various reasons, too much money or damage that we do not want to deal with, etc. We are looking for our “forever” house so we are being fairly picky.

We did find one house that has a great 8 acre property with a small orchard and chicken coop! The house is very small… at this point I think we are just going to watch and wait. I have been doing research on what to look for in a homestead property and I am not coming up with a lot of people in the looking/buying stage. 

There are a lot of great established homesteading blogs out there but I thought I might talk about our search from the beginning. 

A lot of things go into finding the right property but we have really narrowed our scope to the big three as I will call them.

1.       Location of property – This is the biggest one for us. You cannot move the land once you buy it and we are trying to stay to a specific area to stay close to family. 

2.       The property itself – We can change something like plating the garden, adding trees, all of that, but we cannot bank on being able to buy more land around us so we need to be ok with the size; we are hoping between 5 and 12 acres. 

3.       The house – My husband is extremely handy and my father-in-law knows most things that my hubby does not. We can fix a lot about a house, but it needs good bones and we need to be able to live there right away. We also would like something a little bigger than we have now if possible.

I will keep everyone updated on the search and what we are finding!


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