Thursday, June 2, 2011


One of my earliest memories is playing in my backyard and going inside with bright purple feet. That was the sign for the sheets to come out of the garage and I knew that mulberry pies were going to be baking very soon. I think that my mom started cooking with the mulberries to keep some of them out of the yard and off of our feet but the result was some of the best pies ever. It is hard to find a mulberry pie and I had not had one in years. Then my husband walked into the house last year with purple feet and I knew that I had hit the jackpot! Our new house had a mulberry tree! At that time my son was very young and I was very sleepy so we did not pick the berries. Well we are making up for that this year and I have already made my very first pie of the season!
The first pie of summer!

The tree is FULL of berries and I hope to be collecting them for many days to come. I am going to use my mom’s old trick of laying out a lot of sheets under the tree at night then just picking them all up in the morning. Yes we do live by other people and yes the tree is in my front yard… I am THAT person. 

The Mulberry Tree

Only two or three out of every ten berries is ready

The berries are small and very juicy

I hope to have enough mulberries to freeze for winter, and I may can some of them. Have you ever eaten a mulberry pie? Have you ever even seen a mulberry before?


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