Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Letter of the Day is B, and in Other News: Blueberries!

Today is being brought to us by the letter B

Bold and Bashful... I know that is kind of an oxymoron but so am I! 

Bold - When I really believe in something or I see someone that cannot stand up for themselves I become very bold. I also can give presentations and run workshops with confidence as long as I am comfortable with the material.

You can buy this cute little girl here

Bashful- I can be very bashful in social situations. I'm not very good at being a social butterfly and tend to be quiet when faced with parties and new social settings.

While we are on the topic of B, let's talk about blueberries!

I am thinking about ripping out some scraggly bushes in my front yard (one of the few places that receives full sun in my yard) and planting blueberry bushes.

I have been reading "Back Yard Homestead" by Carleen Madigan
and have been inspired to try and replace some of my not-so-cute ornamental plants with cuter and more functional fruiting plants.

I have been looking at a few types of blueberry bushes online and am leaning towards Toro Blueberry and Sweetheart Blueberry bushes; both work well in my zone (5) and make a lot of fruit. Another bonus is these bushes are very pretty in the fall when the leaves change.

The Sweetheart has two crops of berries each year! The first one is in summer and a second one in fall--yielding around 15 pounds more than the average blueberry bush per year.

Even after an extremely cold winter, Toros will produce tons of sweet berries in mid-July. Fantastic as a border or privacy hedge… the Toro boasts delicate white to hot pink flowers in the spring and fiery red foliage in the fall. It's even self fertile! It is not necessary to provide a pollinator for the Toro. However, planting another variety of blueberry alongside the Toro will increase berry production.

So maybe I will plant one of each?

The sad front bed
Do you have blueberry bushes? Do you have any other suggestions for my sad front bed?


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